FSTP, the Federal Skilled Trades Program

Details on the Federal Skilled Trades Program, including qualifying requirements, the application procedure, and other pertinent information. One of the three programs that assist overseas skilled workers in obtaining employment and permanent residency in Canada is the Federal Skilled Trades Program or FSTP. The Express Entry Canada web system is in charge of running this program.

FSTP, the Federal Skilled Trades Program

The FSTP offers talented employees from all backgrounds the possibility to submit their profiles and be considered for invitations to submit visa applications. It functions similarly to a lottery, but because there are labor shortages in many occupations across Canada, the odds of getting chosen are relatively high.

International applicants and those with temporary work permits can submit their profiles and wait to see whether they are chosen from a list of skilled trades that the Canadian government releases yearly. Canada's National Occupational Classifications (NOC) list applies to the skilled trades. You can live and work in Canada if you apply for permanent residency under the Federal Skilled Trades Canada Program. You will also have the option to naturalize as a Canadian citizen after a while.

Each year, 3,000 people are invited to apply for permanent residence in the Federal Skilled Trades Program from 26 occupations. Out of these 26 occupations, 17 works are limited to 100 people, while the rest do not have any limits.

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What criteria does the Federal Skilled Trades Program have?

You must meet six different eligibility requirements to be eligible for the FSTP.

minimal specifications for the FSTP


The following are the minimal prerequisites to be eligible for the FSTP:

  • Adequate language ability;
  • two years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a required skilled trade within the last five years;
  • Meet job requirements for the skilled trade, which is set out in the National Occupational Classification (NOC);
  • Have a job offer for full-time work by a Canadian employer for at least one year or a certificate of qualification that you are skilled in a trade. A provincial, territorial, or Canadian federal authority must issue the qualification certificate.

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Prerequisites for experience in skilled work

Your previous experience must have been in a profession classified in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). From Skill Level 0 through Skill Levels A, B, C, and D, there are five skill levels in the NOC. The NOC's Skill Levels A or B must correspond to the skill level required for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. Only 100 persons may work in vocations at Skill Level A. However, there is no cap on Skill Level B, which includes the following jobs:

  • Major Group 72 – Industrial, electrical, and construction trades;
  • Major Group 73 – Maintenance and equipment operation trades;
  • Major Group 82 – Supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture, and related production;
  • Major Group 92 – Processing, manufacturing, and utility supervisors and central control operators;
  • Minor Group 632 – Chefs and cooks;
  • Minor Group 633 – Butchers and bakers;

You'll first need to identify the occupation to which you belong in the NOC list, which is available here before you read the lead statement or description. All of the job-related duties and responsibilities are listed in the lead statement. Please show in your work history that you have performed all of the tasks in the lead statement.

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Requisite education

Although there are no rigorous educational requirements for the Federal Skilled Trades Program, having some qualifying education will assist raise your profile. If you own any of the following, you must include it in your application:

  • A Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary diploma;
  • A completed foreign credential and Education Credential Assessment from an approved agency shows that your education equals a secondary (high school) or post-secondary Canadian degree.

Fulfilling one of these requirements will gain you more points and increase the chances that your profile will be chosen from the pool of applicants.

Language specifications

The basic English and French requirements must be met because they are both official languages in Canada. Canadian Language Benchmark - CLB 5 is the prerequisite for speaking, listening, and reading (CLB 4). You must also take and input the results of examinations in speaking, reading, listening, and writing that have been approved.

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Admissibility requirements

You must be admissible to enter Canada if you want to apply through the FSTP. Reasons why you could be inadmissible include, but are not limited to:

  • You pose a security risk;
  • You have committed international or human rights violations;
  • You have been convicted of a crime within or outside of Canada;
  • You are tied to an organized crime organization;
  • You have serious health problems;
  • You have serious financial problems;
  • You provided false information on your application or interview;
  • One of your family members is not allowed to enter Canada;

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Federal, provincial, or territorial evaluation requirements

You will need to be evaluated and get a certificate of credentials from a provincial, territorial, or federal organization, depending on your degree of trade expertise. Please visit one of the locations' websites below to determine which organization regulates your trade and request the evaluation after determining the trade and NOC number for your activity.

  •    Alberta
  •     British Columbia
  •     Manitoba
  •     New Brunswick
  •     Newfoundland and Labrador
  •     Northwest Territories
  •     Nova Scotia
  •     Nunavut
  •     Ontario
  •     Prince Edward Island
  •     Saskatchewan
  •     Yukon

If your trade is federally regulated, like airplane mechanics, you must find out who controls it through the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials website.

You can live in any of the provinces of Canada if your skill is applicable, except for the province of Quebec. This province selects its skilled workers through the Quebec-selected skilled-workers program.

To check eligibility, visit the Canadian Government website and answer a few questions. In the end, the results will show you whether you can apply for the FSTP program or not.

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How to apply for the Federal Skilled Trades Program?

Once you determine eligibility for the program, you must go through several steps to submit your profile and application.

Gather supporting documents

To start the application process, you must submit your profile. Before beginning the shape, it is a good idea to gather your supporting documents so you can complete the profile faster. These are the documents you will need:

  • A valid passport or travel document;
  • Your language test results;
  • Your education credential assessment report so that you can get extra points;
  • Written job offer from an employer in Canada (if you have one);

Since the FSTP works through selection from a pool of applicants from the Canadian Government, if you are invited to apply for permanent residence, then you must also have these documents:

  •     Police certificates that determine that you have a clean criminal record;
  •     Medical exams to show you are in good health;
  •     Proof that you have enough funds to cover your travel and first few months living in Canada while finding a job.

It is a good idea to gather all these documents so that you only take a little time to submit them if you are selected.

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Submit your profile

It would be best if you had a Government of Canada account to submit your profile. You may open one by clicking this link and logging in using your banking information or a Government of Canada account (GCKey). The exam that will establish your eligibility for FSTP can then be taken.

You will be led to finishing your profile if you are qualified. You will need to input information from your papers, like your name, address, date of birth, place of employment, level of education, etc. Additionally, you will want your National Occupational Classification (NOC) code for the particularly skilled profession you are applying for.

You'll be able to wait to submit a raised profile c.    You have 60 days to raise it from the moment you start completing it. You will have to start again if you do not submit it within 60 days.

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Wait for selection

The FSTP works on a ranking points system from a pool of applicants. Each year, the Government of Canada will select people from the collection of applicants and invite them to apply for permanent residence. The selection is determined based on the information you submit and the points that each qualification earns you. The Canadian Government decides the topics for each piece of information, such as education, employment, or language proficiency, and then ranks the applicants. Those who rank the highest get selected and invited to apply.

Note: Click here to read our post, where we explain the Express Entry method and the points system.

You'll be able to focus on raising your scores while you wait for this procedure to finish. You could change your profile after looking for a job offer if you didn't have one when you filed your application. By enrolling in classes or securing positions in your nation of origin, you may further your education or professional credentials while gaining additional expertise. To achieve better scores, you can repeat language examinations. To boost your chances of selection, you must update your profile following any improvements you make.

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Receive a request to apply

You will be invited to apply for permanent residency if you meet the program's eligibility requirements and have the highest-ranked score. You can accept or reject the invitation that will explain the subsequent actions you must take. You cannot alter your mind after leaving an application. You will need to resubmit your profile and then wait to be chosen.

Apply For permanent resident application

You may find out how to apply for permanent residency from the invitation. Please log into your account, click the linked links, and complete the required forms. Please fill out your forms completely and accurately, including all required fields.

Please send the supporting papers you have obtained in the following steps once you have completed the forms. If your documents aren't in English or French, scan them and give certified translations. Please ensure they are clear and readable before uploading them to the system. Your passport must be valid for more than six months to be accepted.

Afterward, you must pay your fees in Canadian dollars, which will include the following:

  • Processing fee – $550;
  • Right of permanent residence fee (RPRF) (does not apply to dependent children) – $490;
  • If you include your spouse or common-law partner – $1,040 (includes processing fee and RPRF);
  • If you include a dependent child – $150 per child;

Your application for permanent residency must be finished and submitted within 60 days. The only significant modifications you may make after submitting your application are:

  • Changes in contact information or address;
  • Births or deaths in your family;
  • Marriage or divorce;
  • Adoption;
  • Changes to your job or job offer in Canada;
  • New education credentials;
  • Updated language test results.

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Final thought 

After submission, you will hear within six months or fewer if you have been granted permanent residency in Canada. If they accept your application, the Canadian government will notify you and let you know what actions you must take next. If you are rejected, the notification will explain why, and you can make changes to your application moving forward.