Everything You Need to Know About UK Business Visas

Are you planning on starting a business in the United Kingdom? If so, you'll need to obtain a business visa. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about UK business visas, from the different types of visas available to the application process.

Everything You Need to Know About UK Business Visas

Business visas are given to people who want to come and work in the UK. The visa will give you permission to stay and work in the UK for between 3 months and 5 years, depending on your circumstances. There are different types of business visas, including Tier 1 and Tier 2, as well as different types of business that you can have or work for once you’re in the UK, from sole trader to the company director.

Therefore, the British visa regulations can be quite stringent. If you’re visiting the UK on a business trip, you will need a UK business visa or a Standard Visitor visa. 

To help make the process less daunting, our experts at Skills for English will help guide you through the UK business visa process below.

What is UK Business  Visa 

UK business visas are a type of visa that allows individuals from outside the European Union to come to the UK for business purposes. There are several different types of UK business visas, each with its requirements and restrictions. The most common type of UK business visa is the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa, which allows individuals to come to the UK to set up and run their businesses. Applicants must show evidence of funds of at least £200,000 to qualify for this UK business visa. Individuals can also apply for a UK work permit if they want to work in the UK but not start their own company or practice as self-employed professionals.

 It’s also a one-time visa and costs £95. 

  • Attend physical events, such as conferences, tradeshows, meetings, seminars, and interviews, within the UK (and assuming non-direct selling is involved) 
  • Provide a non-commercial and non-profitable one-off or short talk series, including public speeches 
  • Negotiate with any businessperson and prepare to sign contracts
  • Perform physical inspections and office visits 
  • Collect insights for their employer from their home country 
  • Discuss matters with a UK-based client (assuming work for the client has been previously done abroad

How long can I stay in the UK?

If you want to come to the UK to work, you’ll need a visa. The type of visa you need will depend on the type of work you’re doing and how long you plan to stay in the UK. If you're coming for more than three months, but less than two years, it's likely that you'll need a Migrant Worker Visa. Migrant Worker Visas are available for short-term projects as well as longer-term assignments.


What is an entry clearance visa?

An entry clearance visa is a document that allows you to enter the United Kingdom for a specific purpose, such as business, tourism, or study.
You must have a valid passport and meet the eligibility requirements to apply for an entry clearance visa.
The application process can take several weeks, so it's important to start early.
If your application is successful, you'll be issued a visa that allows you to stay in the UK for up to six months.

Summary of Various UK Business Visa Types

Due to a high volume of businesspeople regularly visiting the UK's vibrant business hub, there exists a variety of UK business visa types, including:

  • Standard visitor visa for businessmen/businesswomen: Previously the Business Visitor visa, this business visa is the most popular type. It is intended for professionals visiting the UK for under six months.
  • Innovator visa: For investors seeking to set up a business, or operate an existing business, in the UK.
  • UK Start-Up visa: For non-EEA and non-Swiss nationals who want to set up a business in the UK. 
  • UK Exceptional Talent visa (Tier 1): For those working in a qualifying field as an emerging industry leader or endorsed as one. 
  • the UK Graduate Entrepreneur visa (Tier 1): For graduates who have been officially recognized as the owner of a genuine and credible entrepreneur idea. 
  • UK Investor visa (Tier 1): For non-EEA and non-Swiss nationals seeking to invest in at least 2 million pounds in the UK.
  • Representative of an Overseas Business UK visa: For non-EEA and non-Swiss nationals who are either the only representative of a company abroad and for which they plan to set up a branch in the UK or are required to carry a long-term project in the UK for an overseas agency/media. 
  • the UK Turkish Businessperson visa: For Turkish nationals who want to become a new entrepreneur in the UK or to run an existing firm in the UK.

How to Apply for the UK Business Visa 

Before applying for the UK Standard Visitor visa, your application must be completed outside of the UK. Also, you can apply for the visit no more than 30 days before your departure to the UK. 

To apply for a UK business visa, there are a few general steps:

  1. Check whether you are eligible for a UK business visa. 
  2. Fill out the online visa application. 
  3. Gather the required documents.
  4. Book an appointment for an interview.
  5. Attend the interview. 

Do I need a job offer?

If you want to apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa to work in the UK, you’ll need a job offer from a licensed employer. The job must be at the appropriate skill level and you must meet the salary requirements. In addition, your employer will need to obtain a sponsorship licence from the UK government. If you’re self-employed, you can apply for a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa.

What if my finances aren’t in order?

If your finances aren’t in order, you may not be able to get a UK business visa. Here are some tips for getting your finances in order before you apply for a UK business visa 1) Pay off all of your debts
2) Make sure that you have money saved up for the UK visa application fee and taxes
3) Make sure that you have at least GBP 7,500 on hand for living expenses and other living costs (you will need this amount per year).
4) Prepare to show proof of income if necessary.

Checklist of Important Visa Requirements 

There are several required documents to prepare for the application for your UK Business visa. Below is a checklist to ask yourself if you have completed the following:

  • Online completion of your UK tourist visa application (form VAF1A)
  • 2 photographs that adhere to the UK guidelines 
  • Your passport (valid for three more months past the planned date to leave the UK after your business trip) 
  • Personal financial statements proving your ability to cover living costs during your stay in the UK (e.g., bank statements from the last six months) 
  • Proof of accommodation in the UK 
  • Proof of your departure/return flight ticket from the UK 
  • Proof of business-related functions you intend to carry out while in the UK 
  • A detailed travel plan, including past business-related trips to the UK
  • Proof of additional information regarding any other business-related activities you wish to do in the UK

What are temporary permission and leave to remain?

If you want to come to the UK for business reasons, you will need to apply for a business visa. There are two types of business visas: temporary permission and leave to remain. Temporary permission is granted for a specific period and allows you to enter the UK for business purposes. Leave to remain is granted for an indefinite period and allows you to live and work in the UK.

What if I don’t have enough points?

If you don't have enough points to qualify for a UK business visa, there are a few things you can do. First, try to improve your score by taking a language test or taking courses in business English. Second, consider applying for a different type of visa that doesn't require as many points. Third, check the requirements carefully and make sure you meet all of them. Fourth, consult with an immigration lawyer to see if there are any other options available to you.

Can I extend my visa?

If you want to extend your stay in the UK, you’ll need to apply for a new visa before your current one expires. The process is fairly straightforward, but there are a few things you need to know before you start.

How long can I stay in the UK on a business visa?

You can stay up to 6 months in the UK while on a business visa (Standard Visitor visa). An extension may be possible for your visa if it had been approved for less than six months, making it reach the full-six-month stay. Otherwise, you cannot stay longer than six months on a UK business visa.

How long does it take to process the UK Standard Visitor visa application? 

If you apply for the UK Standard Visitor visa by post, the decision can take up to eight weeks. If you use the premium service, the decision is finalized on the day you apply. It can also take longer to form a decision if additional documents are required

What are the different UK business visa types?

Besides the general Standard Visitor visa that a businessperson must apply for before entering the UK, other UK business visa types exist, including the Innovator visa, Start-up visa, Exceptional Talent visa (Tier 1), Graduate Entrepreneur visa (Tier 1), Investor visa (Tier 1), Representative of an Overseas Business visa, and Turkish Businessperson visa. 

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Final Thought 

Whether you're looking to start a business in the UK or move your existing business there, you'll need to obtain a visa. This can be a daunting task, but we're here to help. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about UK business visas, from the different types of visas available to the application process.