How to Apply for Italian Work Visa - Everything You Need to Know

You can live and work in Italy without a visa! The process is different depending on your nationality, but the result is much the same: an employment visa. Whether you are applying for a job or looking to stay longer, here's everything you need to know about applying for a work visa in Italy. Whether you are planning a trip to meet friends or already living there, it is important to have a valid visa when visiting Italy. This article will explain everything from what kind of visas are available to how to obtain one if you don't already have one.

How to Apply for Italian Work Visa - Everything You Need to Know

The Italian work visa is intended for people with a job offer or existing business relationship in Italy who are looking to stay and work there for at least three months. It's not a spotless visa, but it does offer some advantages over other visas. The main one is you can apply for it after you arrive in the country. This blog post will go through everything you need to know about applying for an Italian work visa. If you’re looking to come to Italy and start your career or open a business but don’t know where to begin, this could be your blog post.

The Italian work visa allows employees to stay in the country for up to three months. This is called short-term employment, and it’s a great way to determine whether Italy is the right place for you. If this sounds like the thing that interests you, then keep reading, and we’ll walk you through everything from applying to how much it costs when it expires and more!

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What is an Italian work visa?

The Italian work visa is a visa that allows people to work in the country for some time. It’s not a spotless visa, but it does offer some advantages over other visas. The main one is you can apply for it after you arrive in the country. This blog post will go through everything you need to know about applying for an Italian work visa.

How to Apply for an Italian Work Visa

The first step in applying for a work visa is to use the Italian authorities. You’ll need to fill in the application form and submit it with the necessary documents, including a valid passport, visa, tour plans, and more. It’s not unusual for the Italian authorities to reject many applications. Hence, it’s always a good idea to get advice on how to proceed from your travel advisor.

Once your application is approved, you can expect to be informed as to what date(s), and time(s) you can start working. Depending on your position, this could be as soon as 24 or 48 hours after your application is approved. It’s worth noting that working in Italy for three months does not grant you a work visa, you’ll have to apply for that on a different occasion.


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Can I Get an Italian Work Permit?

So, you’re a foreign national who wants to move to Italy and find a job. Unfortunately, suppose you are a non-EU citizen. In that case, you need to already have a career in Italy (and have fulfilled several conditions) before applying for an Italy Work Visa.

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For non-EU nationals, receiving permission to live and work in Italy involves a three-part process:

  •     Find an Italian employer who will hire you and apply for your work permit (they must apply for your work authorization in Italy). Only after your employer receives your work permit and sends it to you can you:
  •     Apply for an Italy Work Visa at the Italian Representation in your home country. If you receive the Italy Work Visa, only then can you:
  •     Enter Italy and apply for a Residence Permit to be allowed to legally stay and work in the country.

In addition, you only have a short window of time during which you can apply for an Italian Work Visa. The Italian Government also sets yearly quotas regarding how many non-EU citizens they will issue work visas to.

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What are the main requirements for getting an Italian work visa?

The main requirements for getting an Italian work visa are having a job offer or an existing business relationship in Italy and Having the ability to work in Italy. This will all sound like they’re walking through walls for many people. But fear not, we’ve got the lowdown on the main requirements for obtaining an Italian work visa, so you know exactly what to expect. Once you’ve got a job offer in Italy, the next step is applying for a work visa. Again, this is a rather bureaucratic process, so ensure you’re up to date with all your paperwork. You’ll need to: Fill in a short Formalisation of Documents (Fos Form), including a detailed job offer letter from your prospective employer, copies of all relevant documents from your home country (including recent tax returns), passport photos, proof of address, and more. If your prospective employer can’t provide all of the documentation required, you can always provide them with a self-certification form to speed things up.

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What documents do I need to provide to support my Italy Work Visa application?

When applying for an Italy work visa, you must have a set of supporting documents that are required Italian visa application. The additional requirements for an Italy Work Visa include:

  1.     Copy of your signed work contract.
  2.     The original and a copy of your Nulla Osta.
  3.     Completed Italian Long-Stay Visa Application form.
  4.     Passport with at least two blank pages, valid for at least three months after the duration of your visa.
  5.     Passport pictures.
  6.     Proof of accommodation in Italy.
  7.     Proof of sufficient financial means.
  8.     Proof of paid visa fee.
  9.     Diplomas/other certificates.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of requirements. The requirements for an Italy work visa change depending on the country and specific case. Therefore, you should always contact the appropriate authority where you are applying for a work visa for more information.

The Italian authorities reserve the right to request documents as they see fit.

In addition, you must send your employer in Italy whatever documents they need to apply for your work permit. Because your employer applies for your work permit at their province’s Immigration office (and each immigration office has different requirements), you must contact your employer regarding what documents they need from you.

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When can you apply for a work visa?

The short answer to this question is: As soon as possible. You must apply well in advance of your intended start date because if you miss the application window, it’s likely that your application won’t be processed until months after you arrive in the country. Ideally, you’d like to apply for your work visa two to three months before your start date. But even if you have to wait a little longer, it’s worth it. The longer you stay in Italy, the easier it will be to make new friends, network, and find a job. If you don’t apply for a work visa before arriving in the country, you’ll likely be stuck working as a tourist in Italy for three months.

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How much does it cost to apply for a work visa?

The fee for applying for a work visa is $375. That’s the same fee as any other visa, including the tourist visa. So if the work you want to do in Italy is similar to what you do now, or if you need the job opportunity so severely that you don’t mind spending a little bit more money, then, by all means, apply. If not, don’t worry! The application fee is only a tiny portion of the total price you’ll need to pay to get your visa. The cost is collected during the application process and is refundable if you cannot submit your application because of a death in the family, adoption, or other reasons.

When does the first working day of your trip count as your first day in Italy?

The first working day of your trip counts as your first day in Italy, even if it’s not the first day of your stay. This is because you’re here on a work visa and the work day starts on the day you get your permit. So, for example, if you apply for your visa on the day you get it, you’ll start your work on the third day of your trip. The same goes for your first day of pay. The first day of income for most jobs will be the day you get your paycheck. So, for example, if you get paid on the second day of your stay, your second day in Italy will be spent working.

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Exceptions to the rule: Can I travel to a specific destination with my Italian work visa?

The main exception to the rule above is that you can travel to destinations that are hard to get to without a work visa. You can apply for a tourist visa if you’re traveling to a country that’s hard to get to without a work visa. You can check out our complete list of approved destinations here.

What happens when you receive your Italian work visa?

Once you get your work visa, you’ll have to start the application process for a regular passport. Depending on your country of origin, this can take months or years, so it’s a good idea to start the process as soon as you get your work visa. Once your passport has been registered, you can use it to travel to any other countries in the world that have mutual visa agreements with Italy.

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The Italian work visa is a great way to get a foot in the door in Italy or start a new career there. The main requirements are that you have a job offer or existing business relationship in Italy and the ability to work in Italy. Once you’ve got a job offer or living in a business relationship in Italy, the next step is applying for a work visa. This is a rather bureaucratic process, so ensure you’re up to date with all your paperwork. The main exception to the rule is that you can travel to destinations that are hard to get to without a work visa.