How to Study in Canada for Free in 2022 (9 Steps)

Studying in schools and different institutions provides one with the knowledge and expertise needed to communicate well with others, and to perform basic practices to function in any society. Further studies may even be taken up in order to become experts in a particular field. There is more than one path to achieving any educational level that one aspires to reach, and some of the choices even include studying abroad. See The 9 Steps on How to Study in Canada for Free Below.

How to Study in Canada for Free in 2022 (9 Steps)

How to Study in Canada for Free in 2022. Education has always been at the forefront of any developing society. From the moment a child is strong enough to walk, he starts to experience the inner workings of a system designed to educate him in skills necessary for life after graduation.

Today, even though education is more accessible to a country’s general population, some may still find it difficult to study in an institution of their liking. Factors such as culture, expenses, and location, among others, may hinder one from seeking out the quality education being offered by his or her choosing. Finding the right opportunity to match one’s needs and aspirations can greatly benefit both the individual and the economy. In the long run, with more educated professionals contributing to the development of each society, improving the performance of every sector of the economy will be within arm’s reach.

Luckily, some countries such as Canada offer quality education for free to certain individuals. There are a lot of opportunities available for those who seek to travel and study abroad. Scholarships, exchange programs, and other beneficial offers are available in different areas around the world if you know where to look. In this article, we will be looking at ways to study in Canada for free.

How to Study in Canada for Free

Now, you get to see the best details of each of the Universities and their official registration portal:

1. Make sure that you are a great applicant

One of the first requirements that any institution will look into is the capability and academic aptitude of the student applicant. Thus, you must make sure you are a great applicant since having a great application drastically increases the chances of getting a scholarship into any institution. This is a very important step in studying in Canada for free.

One of how you can ensure that you have a great application is by maintaining good academic standing in the current institution or school you are in. Having high GPAs and test scores can exhibit your skills in different types of subjects, and can prove your ability to cope with academic demands.


2. Prepare your application early

Another necessary step to ensuring a great application is by preparing your application early. By preparing early, you will be able to gather more information about the school you want to apply to, as well as the requirements that they might need to accept you into their institution. This also minimizes the possible margins of error when it comes to applications, since preparing early allows you to consider all the different outcomes of your application.

3. Apply to universities in Canada

Part of being able to find affordable universities to study in is by applying to universities that offer free or affordable education to international students. The application process is one of the most important steps to getting the type of education you prefer, and being able to comply with any requirements that may be asked of you is an essential part of having the possibility of studying in Canada for free.

4. Look for Scholarships from Universities in Canada

One of how you can study for free in countries such as Canada is by looking for scholarships. Some universities, like the University of Calgary, offer scholarships for international students. According to their site, they offer a “University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship” for their undergraduate programs to international students who satisfy certain requirements, such as an English Language Proficiency test, and a GPA of 2.60 or more, among others. How to Study in Canada for Free in 2022 

Other universities such as the University of Toronto offer scholarships for graduate programs upon compliance with certain requirements, as stated on their site. For this university, some of the requirements include a grade requirement of A- or equivalent, transcripts of previous post-secondary institutions, and references, among others. Getting Canadian scholarships from different universities is one of the best ways of studying for free in Canada.

5. Look for Scholarships from your government

Some countries also support their nationals by providing them with scholarships for their studies abroad. Aside from scholarships from Canada, students can also choose to look for scholarships that their own countries offer, and comply with any requirements that their country may have. Upon compliance with such requirements, they can study in Canada for free under scholarships from their government.

6. Look for external scholarships

Scholarships are not only limited to governments or institutions, and can even be provided for by other organizations around the globe. Many organizations believe in the benefit of improving education across borders, and, thus, provide several scholarships to deserving individuals. Students interested in studying through scholarships should also consider applying for said scholarships offered by different organizations, whether international or local. By seizing opportunities provided by different organizations, students will be more equipped to deal with the problems that they may face when they practice their profession.

7. Look for affordable universities in Canada

The average amount paid for tuition fees in Canada is around 6,400$ per year for undergraduate studies and 7000$ a year for graduate studies. This amount can differ in terms of the university you choose. If you are interested in studying in Canada for free, it can also be wise to choose to attend more affordable universities in Canada that offer lower tuition fees to international students.

8. Work while Studying

An option that some international students may have when studying in Canada is the ability to work while studying. As stated on Canada’s government website, as an international student in Canada, you can work while studying if your study permit states that working either on or off campus is allowed. However, working in Canada as an international student is only allowed for the duration of your program. Working before the start of your studies in Canada is not allowed.

Canada also has options for international students to work as interns or co-op placement. However, as stated above, your student permit must also state such a fact. Should you want to continue working after having graduated from the program, and if you are eligible, you can choose to apply for their post-graduation work permit. (PGWP). Working while studying will be great for you to be able to study in Canada for free. So, take advantage of this situation.

9. Lower your cost of living

In Canada, the average cost of living for a student that does not have to pay for rent is around 800$+ per month. If a student has to pay for rent off-campus, this amount can drastically increase. However, some universities offer accommodations for free to their international students. In such cases, the average cost of living can also decrease since you will no longer have to pay for rent and other expenses like transportation and utility fees.

How to Study in Canada for Free in 2022 

One of how you can lower your cost of living as an international student in Canada is by renting rooms that are shared with other people. Dorm-type accommodations can also be available around the campus, which are cheaper alternatives to renting an apartment for yourself since the cost of the room is shared by all its occupants. Another option for lowering your cost of living is choosing to stay in cheaper apartments, or finding apartments that are nearer to the campus, to avoid spending too much on transportation.