Canada Investment Visa: Migrate to Canada Via Investor VISA Program

Canada is one of the most popular countries in the world right now. There are several reasons why so many people want to travel to Canada, which include: ample job opportunities, great weather, and stunning scenery. As a result, Canada has seen an uptick in immigration rates over the past few decades. It is not just its positive attributes that attract people though; it is also due to their investment-friendly visa options: the immigrant investor program and investor visa program. This article will enlighten you on what you need to know about migration to canada via Investor VISA program.

Canada Investment Visa: Migrate to Canada Via Investor VISA Program

Canada is the second most attractive country for foreign investors. The Canadian investing experience offers more security, stability, and transparency than many other countries on a global scale. If you are an investor with a high net worth looking to invest in Canada or if you are a business person looking to start up your own business in Canada, then the Canada investment visa might be right for you.

Canadian investment immigration visa

The Canada Investment Visa is an investor visa designed to attract the best and brightest minds to settle and work in Canada. Canada offers this immigration option to professionals in a variety of fields who want to help build Canada’s economy.

Canada Investment Visa: Migrating Via Investor VISA Program

Canada is one of the most livable countries in the world and it has an attractive immigration system. The country provides a wide range of investment opportunities to foreign nationals looking to invest in Canada thereby boosting the country’s economy.

So are you an investor with a high net worth looking to invest in Canada? If so, your personal net worth, experience, and skills may make you eligible for one of Canada’s Investor VISA Programs.

Canadian investment immigration visa

We will cover how these VISA programs work and the benefits of migrating to Canada Via the Canada Investment VISA Program. Read on for more information.

1. Provincial Nominee Programs for Investors


Certain provinces under the Provincial Nominee Program, offer investors the opportunity to move to Canada with an investor visa by applying under their own investor stream.

Each province establishes its own eligibility requirements and set of rules based on its own market gaps, opportunities, and economy. If you are willing to move to Canada and start investing in any province, then you could be selected through their provincial immigration program to start your journey to a Canadian investment immigration visa.

2. Quebec Investor Program

If you are an investor who is looking to invest in the province of Quebec, then you need to apply for a Quebec Investor Visa. To be eligible for the Quebec Investor Visa, you need to have a minimum personal net worth of $2 million and managerial experience within professional, legal farming, or commercial industries. Eligible applicants will be required to make a five-year guaranteed investment of $1.2 million.

3. Federal Venture Capital Program

You may be qualified to apply for the Canada Investment Visa under the Federal Venture Capital Pilot Program if you are a manager or a savvy business owner with a personal net worth that exceeds $10 million. Eligible investors will be required to make a non-guaranteed investment of $2 million for up to fifteen years in order to secure an investor visa (Permanent Residency).

4. Federal Investor Program

The Federal Investment Immigrant Program permits eligible foreign investors to obtain Permanent Resident Status in Canada by making a guaranteed, five-year investment of $800,000 CAD of their own funds through an authorized agent. This program is no longer functioning. There are currently no plans to resume this investor program.

The new investor visa program allows and shows international entrepreneurs and investors a pathway to citizenship and permanent residence status in Canada. Isn’t that interesting?